Monday, August 3, 2009

2 August 2009

In our life, there are many good things have bad sides, there are many bad things have good sides. So, everything has two sad. If you think you some bad things happened in your body, don't worry,don't be afriad. You should know, all things have 2 sides. For examlpe, in old China, there was a old man. The old man had a son. One day, his son got a very good horse. Every people said his son has very good luck. The old man said, that is not a goods thing. Three days latter, his son dropped down from the horse. Every people said his luck, but the old man said that is not a bad thing. Three days latter, the war began. Other people went to the war. His son left because his leg was broken. At last, other people all dead, his son alive.Sometimes, there are some things happened in our body. We should have a good attitude to those things. For example, we can learn some thing when we stay at home. We can do some sports when we can't stay with our friends.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

In another culture you know, are people generally open to psychological therapy, or do people often deny that they have a problem?

In different cultures, people have different opinion of psychological therapy. In China, people also have different opinion of psychological therapy with other countries. China is a traditional country. Althought Chinese already begin to change their mind and they try to learn some new things. Psychological therapy is a new thing to Chinese too. Many Chinese don't know it. Some of Chinese know it, but they don't know real meaning of psychological therapy. In some big city, like Beijing and Shanghai, many less people know psychological therapy. Although those people know it, but they don't like open to psychological therapy. It's because if they open to psychological therapy, it will show they are sick. Other people will think they have some problem of their sprit. So, they don't like open psychological therapy. Sometimes, almost people deny taht they have a problem. Because some reason, they don't want other people know they have some problem of their sprit.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Fashion is a faddish topic forever. Every day, you can heard people talk about fashion in different ways. Turn on TV, you can see people talk about fashion. When you reading newspapers, you also can see fashion. Fashion is include many things. For example, cloth, cars, and music. Now, I think you do not need pay attention to fashion, because you can know fashion from every where. Turn on your computer, you can watch information from your I.E.. When you listening radio, you also can listening program about fashion. Fashion is already be a part of our life. Maybe you can feel fashion around you, but if it is disappear, you will find it.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Compare and Contrast Baotou and Vancouver

Baotou and Vancouver are two different cities in two different countries. I think, there are some similars and differences between those two cities. Baotou is my hometown city, it is in InnerMongolia, China. Vancouver is a city where I lived now. Baotou is the biggest city in InnerMongolia. Vancouver is the biggest in British Columbia. Baotou is a city has very good environment. Although Baotou is a West North city, but there are many trees in Baotou. In Baotou, there are many parks and man-made lakes. Vancouver is the city has the best environment, there many tress and parks in Vancouver. For example, Stanley Park. Baotou is my hometown, I love it. Vancouver is a very good city, I like it too.

Describe some cultural differences in defining abnormal behavior. Give examples to support your answer.

Every countries have different cultures. So, there are some cultural differences in defining abnormal behavior. For example, between China and Canada, there are some cultural difference in defining abnormal behavior. In China, if some people told you you are very good at doing something, you should told them you are not very good, you are just so so. In Canada, if some people told you you are very good at doing something, you should say thank you. In China, if you say thank you, people will think you are arrogant. In Canada, if you say you are not good, people will think you are really not good. For an other example, in China, you can not call old people's name, it is not genty. In Canada, you can call old people's name. There are some culture differences in defining abnormal behavior between China and Canada.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Do you think that dreams have meaning? What is the purpose of dreaming? Explain your answer.

Every night, every people have dreams. Some people said they don't have dreams when they sleeping, I think it not means they don't have dreams, because they can't rember their dreams. Why we have dreams every night? I think we have dreams every night because we still thinking when we sleeping. The other question is why we have dream. I think we have dreams because we want something very much. Sometimes, we have dream because we want to rember something that we want to rember those things at day time. Different dreams have different meaning. In our dreams, there are many things, those things are symbols in our real life. From our dreams, we can see something that we can't find in our real life. From these symbols, we can solve some problems in our real life. Sometimes, we can ask some professional person, they can explain our dreams, find our problems, and help us. Dream is very important to our life, we should pay attention to our dreams

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Many Chinese believe folk beliefs about dreaming in China. There is a long history of folk beliefs about dreaming in China. In China, there is a book named "ZhouGongJieMeng" which is used to explain dream for people. Sometimes, I think folk beliefs about dreaming is really. Thousands years ago, Chinese people began to tried to explain their dreams. They thought, dream can show their future, dream can tall them they will lucky or unlucky, and they thought people who already dead can give them message in their dreams. In many Chinese history books, writers will talk about Kings or leaders dreams before some important events happen in Chinese history. They thought God will tall them what will happen in their dreams. There is a book named "ZhouGongJieMeng" in China. This book has very long history, it likes a dictionary about dream. You can find main words in your dream in the book, and the book will tell you what is meaning of your dream. Sometimes, I think folk beliefs dreaming is really. When I was study in China, if I dreamed snake, my mother will give me money later. In Chinese dream dictionary, dream snake means people will get money. It happened many times. I think, dream is a very magic thing, this is folk beliefs in China.

My Life in Vancouver

I arrived in Vancouver already more than 2 month. In this two month, I meet many new people, and I know many new things. First, I want talk about my friends. When I arrived Canada, I arrived Victoria, I lived there one week, I feel very lonely, I think life in Victoria is very boring, because I don't have friends in there, and that is the first time I stay at other country. After one week, I came to Victoria, there are some friends come from some city with me. I arrived Vancouver because, they help me many things. They found school and homestay for me. They also told me how can I live in Vancouver. I think Vancouver is a very good city. One day, after raining, I went to Stanley Park, I saw rainbow and downtown from the monutain, I found Vancouver is a very beautiful city. I think Vancouver has the best environment, because there are many trees. Everyday, I can find new thing about Vancouver. At last, I am lucky, I also have very good homestay. They are very kind and they often cook Chinese food to me.

My Hometown City---Baotou

My hometown is a city in InnerMongolia, China. It named Baotou. Baotou is a Mongolia name, it means place have deer, so Baotou also called Deer City. Baotou is the biggest in InnerMogolia. The Yellow River across Baotou. The area of baotou is 27768 The population of Baotou is 2.45 million. There are 31 different nationalities in this city. Two main nationalities are Han and Mongolia. There are many parks in Baotou, and all those parks are free. In 2002 Baotou got The best the United Nations Habitat Award. There are many famous joss houses in Baotou, because hunderds years ago Chinese King liked worshiping at here. The famous Chinese building Great Wall also across Baotou, and it is older than others. Because different nationalities in Baotou, there are two main different cultures in Batou. For example, different food, traditional cloth, and different art. Baotou is a very good place to visit and live.

Monday, July 20, 2009

How to do Red-cooked pork

Red-cooked cooked pork is a very delicious Chinese food. Here, I will tell you how to do Red-cooked pork,it is very dilicious and it is easy too cook. First, you should bring some pork, some hawthoen, and some sauce. Choose good sauce is very important. Then, put the pork and sauce in hot water, wait 15 minutes, the pork should become red. Third, put pork and sauce in boiler, put some water in the boiler, use big fair cook 30or40 minutes. After that, put away oil in the boiler if you don not like it. At last, put some sugar, salt, and a little bit vinegar. Wait 2or3 minutes, it's OK.

Thursday, July 16, 2009